Safety First

It is the policy of NASSACO to regard the promotion of Health, Safety and Environment measure as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels. It is therefore, the company's policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards including other persons who may be affected by the company's activities.

In particular, the company has a responsibility:

- To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- To provide trainings and instructions to enable employees to perform their work safely and effeciently
- To make available all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment and to supervise their use
- To maintain a constant and continuing health, safety and environment issues that are applicable to the company's activities, in particular, by consulting and involving employees wherever possible

Employees have a duty to cooperate in the operation of this policy:

- By working safety and effeciently
- By using the protective equipment provided and by meeting statutory obligations
- By reporting incident that have led or may lead to injury, damage or loss
- By adhering to company procedures and system of work

The company sees this policy as a vital element of our day to day operations and our success in future. We shall therefore continually pursue this policy through strong management commitment to health, safety and environmental issues.


Industrial Scaffolding & Access Management -Industrial Insulation Services - Abrasive Blasting & Industrial Coating Services - Certified Manpower Hire Services - Certified Earthmoving Equipment Hire Services - Pipes & Pipe fittings Supplies - Electrical Systems Installations, Fiber Optic Network Installations (SEC Approved) - Safety Materials - Information Technology (IT) Supplies & Support Services
P.O. Box: 476
Rastanura 31941                          
Tel.:+966-13-668  0868 / 0470 / 0775
Fax :+966-13-667 1246  